Explore Bamboozle Baking

What is Astrik?
Astrik is a composite of PLA, plant fiber. PLA (Polylactic Acid) is a biodegradable thermoplastic derived from renewable resources such as corn starch or sugarcane. It is a fantastic substitute to oil based plastics that are both nonrenewable and introduce more carbon to the environment. When properly disposed of in industrial composting facilities, PLA can break down into water, carbon dioxide, and organic matter. Even when disposed of in a regular waste stream it can break down much faster than traditional plastics.
Learn More about AstrikMicrowave &
Dishwasher Safe
Stacked with features inspired by our culinary passion. Microwave safe to quickly melt chocolate. Textured to release dough and batter easily. We know convenience is key. After all, your time should be spent crafting delicious dishes, not cleaning up. That's why our mixing bowl set is designed to be as convenient as it is eco-conscious, easily cleaned in your dishwasher.
Measuring Tools
Accessorize with measuring
bowls and spoons that seamlessly fit for easy storage and match your favorite colorway. Add in fitted silicone lids to store your prepared ingredients and meals.